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Fossil Says Good-bye to Smartwatches: A Strategic Shift in Wearable Tech Focus

Fossil's Decision to Exit the Smartwatch Market and Its Implications for Wearable Technology

NEWS  Smartwatch  January 27, 2024  Reading time: 2 Minute(s)

mdo Max (RS editor)

Fossil, a prominent player in the smartwatch arena, has officially announced its departure from the smartwatch business. The company revealed its intention to reallocate resources away from smart wearables, signaling the end of an era with the Gen 6 lineup as its swan song.

fossil gen 6

In an exclusive interview with The Verge, Fossil spokesperson Amanda Castelli shed light on the rationale behind this strategic shift. Castelli emphasized Fossil's acknowledgment of the dynamic evolution within the smartwatch landscape over recent years. This recognition prompted the brand to make a calculated decision to exit the smartwatch market and instead concentrate on bolstering its offerings in non-smart categories such as jewelry, traditional timepieces, and leather goods.

While the announcement may come as a surprise to many, subtle indicators hinted at Fossil's potential divergence from smartwatches prior to the official statement. Reports circulating in December of the previous year, sourced from insiders within Fossil and its workforce, suggested the absence of a Gen 7 Wear OS lineup.


fossil smartwatch

The recent confirmation from Fossil now substantiates these speculations. Furthermore, the company's actions, including significant discounts on its final Wear OS smartwatches in December, underscored the impending transition. Despite the lamentable departure of Fossil from the Wear OS smartwatch domain, the company's decision is not devoid of context. The tech landscape has witnessed seismic shifts, exemplified by Samsung's collaboration with Google and the latter's foray into producing proprietary smartwatches.

Fossil's exit raises pertinent questions about the future trajectory of wearable technology and the competitive dynamics within the market. With industry giants recalibrating their strategies and innovative advancements reshaping consumer preferences, the smartwatch segment stands at a pivotal juncture.





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