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Gaming the System: Japan's Switch-Playing Policeman Faces Consequences

Officer in Hot Seat for On-Duty Nintendo Switch Sessions Faces Pay Cut and Reprimand

NEWS  Curiosities  March 25, 2024  Reading time: 2 Minute(s)

mdo Max (RS editor)

In a bizarre turn of events at Japan's Tenri Police Station, a seasoned officer in his 40s found himself in hot water after indulging in some Nintendo Switch gaming during his duty hours. As if policing weren't challenging enough, this officer decided to level up his downtime activities, only to find himself receiving more than just high scores.


Reports from The Japan News reveal the officer's shocking breach of duty, detailing how he managed to squeeze in a staggering seventeen hours of Switch gameplay between November 2023 and February 2024—all while supposedly safeguarding the public. It seems his crime-fighting prowess was momentarily swapped out for virtual adventures in Mushroom Kingdoms and Hyrule fields.

But the plot thickens as we learn that this gaming escapade didn't go unnoticed. An unannounced inspection turned up evidence of the officer's virtual exploits, with his Switch console shamelessly tethered to a break room television. One can only imagine the dramatic irony of a law enforcer caught red-handed by the very system meant to uphold order.

In a statement that surely left many scratching their heads, the officer defended his actions, claiming he only indulged in gaming during lulls in police activity. It seems "waiting for trouble" took on a whole new meaning in this precinct.

However, justice, like the unforgiving final boss of a video game, swiftly caught up with our protagonist. The director of the Nara prefectural police department was not amused, issuing a stern warning and delivering the ultimate blow—a pay cut proportional to the time spent gaming on duty.


With each lost yen, the officer must surely reflect on the consequences of his virtual detour. Seventeen hours of gameplay may have cost him more than just digital coins and power-ups—it has tarnished his reputation and highlighted a glaring lapse in judgment.




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