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Google Chrome's Latest Security Features

A Closer Look at Google's Commitment to User Security in Web Browsing

NEWS  Security  December 26, 2023  Reading time: 2 Minute(s)

mdo Max (RS editor)

The Google Chrome developer team has recently unveiled several new features that underscore the company's dedication to enhancing security measures within the popular browser.

Safety Check: Proactive Alerts for Enhanced Security

The Safety Check feature takes center stage, running seamlessly in the background on desktop devices. Users will now receive proactive alerts if their saved passwords are compromised or if any installed extensions pose potential risks. The alerts also cover instances where users are not using the latest browser version or if site permissions demand attention. These warnings conveniently appear in the three-dot menu, keeping users informed and empowered.

Extended Security Controls: Revoking Permissions and Notification Management

In a bid to fortify security further, Google Chrome will now automatically revoke permissions of sites that haven't been visited for an extended period. This includes permissions related to location or microphone access. Moreover, users gain the ability to easily disable notifications from infrequently visited sites, streamlining their browsing experience and reducing potential distractions.

Memory Saver Mode: Transparency in Tab Memory Usage

The Memory Saver mode receives a boost with additional details about the memory usage of various tabs. Hovering over tabs reveals insights into potential memory savings when tabs become inactive. Developers have also simplified the process of specifying sites that should always remain active, providing users with more control over their browsing environment.

Future Innovations: Card Groups and AI Advancements

Looking ahead, Google Chrome users can anticipate the ability to save groups of cards on desktop devices. This feature facilitates seamless access across different devices, allowing users to pick up where they left off effortlessly. Additionally, Google developers have teased upcoming AI innovations based on Gemini, promising further advancements in user experience and security.

Google Chrome's continuous efforts to prioritize security are evident in these recent updates. As technology evolves, users can rely on Google Chrome to not only provide a fast and efficient browsing experience but also to maintain the highest standards of security and privacy, at least according with Google. Stay tuned for the exciting developments on the horizon, as Google continues to lead the way in shaping the future of web browsers by blocking potential third party threats while, at the same time, continuing being a threat itself, illegally stealing and selling your personal information and, consequently,  collecting billionaire fines from the European Union. 




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