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Hacker Leaks Sensitive US Department of Defense Documents

Potential Consequences and Impact

NEWS  Security  December 9, 2023  Reading time: 2 Minute(s)

mdo Max (RS editor)

On December 6th, 2023, the notorious hacker 'IntelBroker' claimed to have obtained sensitive internal documents from the United States Department of Defense (US DoD). The leaked data includes PDFs and XLSX files, potentially containing communications between the Pentagon and the Army’s CIO/G-6, responsible for IT and cybersecurity-related issues and strategic planning, respectively.

Breach Forums: A Familiar Ground

As reported by, the leaked documents, labeled "For Official Use Only" (FOUO), a security designation for sensitive unclassified information, are accessible for download on the Breach Forums. This platform has recently been a hotspot for cybersecurity threats, witnessing the exposure of a LinkedIn database and personal data of employees from the Idaho National Lab.

Screenshots provided by IntelBroker as samples date back from 2017 to 2021, encompassing diverse subjects. Notable among them is a document titled “Task 10 – EIEMA Process Improvement Projects and Tasks,” dated March 25th, 2021. Another document, “Enterprise Service Division SAIS-NSE,” includes personal and contact details of civilian government officials and contractors.

IntelBroker: A Threat to National Security

IntelBroker, known for high-profile hacks against the US government and global businesses, has previously breached entities like Weee! and General Electric, offering access to the US government’s defense R&D agency DARPA for a mere $500. The severity of this breach is underscored by reports that "The Five Eyes (FVEY) are actively hunting him down," indicating the gravity of the situation.

Potential Consequences of the Leak

  • Damage to National Security: Leaked FOUO documents may contain critical information on military strategies, troop deployments, weapons systems, or intelligence operations, posing a threat to national security.
  • Embarrassment and Political Fallout: The revelation of embarrassing or damaging information about the government or military could lead to public outrage, a loss of confidence, and political pressure for policy changes.
  • Harm to Individuals: Personal information about military personnel and their families could be exploited for harassment, threats, or violence, posing a direct threat to the safety of individuals.
  • Financial Loss: Leaked FOUO documents revealing sensitive government contracts or trade secrets could result in financial losses for the government and private companies involved.
  • Loss of Trust in the Military: Repeated leaks erode public trust in the military, making it challenging for the government to recruit and retain personnel.

As said the potential consequences of this FOUO leak are far-reaching, affecting national security, public trust, and the integrity of individuals. The response from government and military authorities will play a crucial role in mitigating the impact and preventing further harm. The situation demands a comprehensive investigation and a robust cybersecurity strategy to safeguard sensitive information in the future.




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