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Huawei is Rolling Out a New Update for Watch GT 4

Empowering Users with New Features and Enhanced Security Measures

NEWS  Smartwatch  January 27, 2024  Reading time: 2 Minute(s)

mdo Max (RS editor)

Huawei continues its commitment to innovation and user satisfaction with the latest software update for its popular wearable, the Huawei Watch GT 4. This update, marked as software version, introduces a range of new features and improvements, further enhancing the capabilities and usability of the device.

From expanded alarm clock functionality to heightened privacy and security measures, users can expect a more enriched experience with their smartwatch.

Huawei watch gt 4

Expanding Functionality

One of the notable enhancements in this update is the significant increase in the maximum number of alarm clocks supported by the Watch GT 4. Users can now set up to 40 alarm clocks, a substantial upgrade from the previous limit of 5, providing greater flexibility in managing their schedules and reminders. This expansion caters to the diverse needs of users who rely on their smartwatches for efficient time management.

Prioritizing Privacy and Security

Acknowledging the paramount importance of privacy and security in today's digital landscape, Huawei introduces privacy and security reminders as part of the update. Users are reminded to complete the authorization process before downloading certain apps, ensuring that their personal data remains protected against potential threats or unauthorized access. By integrating these proactive measures, Huawei reinforces its commitment to safeguarding user privacy and fostering a secure digital environment.


Huawei watch gt4 green

Localization Enhancement

In response to user feedback and demand for language customization, the latest update enables users to set the system language to Georgian, catering to the preferences of a broader global audience. 

Improving User Experience

The update also brings enhancements aimed at improving the overall user experience. The weather app receives upgrades, enhancing the user interface and providing a more seamless and intuitive weather tracking experience. Additionally, Huawei emphasizes enhancing system stability "in certain situations", although specific details regarding these improvements are not disclosed. Nevertheless, these enhancements contribute to a smoother and more reliable performance of the Watch GT 4, enhancing user satisfaction and confidence in the device.

Accessibility of the Update

For existing Huawei Watch GT 4 users eager to leverage the latest features and improvements, the update can be conveniently downloaded via the Huawei Health app. By navigating to the Devices section, selecting the respective device name, and clicking on Firmware update, users can initiate the download process effortlessly. While some users may have yet to receive the update, the phased rollout approach ensures a systematic and efficient distribution, gradually reaching all users in due course.





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GT 4 Wifi Bağlantısı
Written by ManyakMuro28 on January 28, 2024
GT 4 wifi bağlantısı ne zaman gelecek? Klavye veya sesli mesaj ile mesajlara cevap verebilme istiyoruz? Cüzdan uygulaması devreye alınmalı bu çağda artık saatten temassız ödeme yapılması lazım.
Max Admin
Written by Max on January 28, 2024
Umarım bu özellik yakında entegre edilir! ;)

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