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iOS 17.3 Beta 2 Bricks iPhones, Forces Apple to Pull the Update

A Glitch in the Upgrade: Users Face Boot Loop Crisis as Apple Rushes to Address iOS 17.3 Beta 2 Issues

NEWS  Apple  January 4, 2024  Reading time: 2 Minute(s)

mdo Max (RS editor)

Apple's latest move to enhance user experience took an unexpected turn as the release of iOS 17.3 beta 2 ended up causing distress among iPhone users. This beta version, meant to provide a sneak peek into upcoming features, turned into a nightmare for many, prompting Apple to swiftly retract the update due to reports of iPhones getting bricked.

The Unfortunate Incident

On a seemingly routine Wednesday, Apple rolled out the highly anticipated iOS 17.3 beta 2, only to encounter a surge of complaints from users whose iPhones fell victim to an unexpected boot loop. The issue, reported across a spectrum of Apple handsets, from the iPhone 12 to the recently released iPhone 15 series, prompted the tech giant to take immediate action.

Apple's Response

Acknowledging the severity of the problem, Apple promptly removed iOS 17.3 beta 2 and addressed the issue in its release notes. According to the statement, a small number of devices were unable to start up after the update. For affected users, the recommended solution involves entering Recovery Mode and restoring a previous version of iOS.

Fixing the Fallout

For those who find themselves with a bricked device after the unfortunate update, the path to recovery involves rolling back to either iOS 17.3 beta 1 or the stable iOS 17.2.1. However, this process comes with a caveat – a pre-update backup is essential to ensure the restoration of all data.

Potential Culprit: Back Tap Setting

Reports suggest that the glitch may be linked to the Back Tap setting, a feature allowing users to trigger various actions by tapping the rear panel of their iPhones. Interestingly, users who had disabled the Back Tap gesture seemed more susceptible to the boot loop issue. However, the correlation between this setting and the problem remains speculative.

The Way Forward

Despite the setback, Apple enthusiasts can anticipate a revised release of iOS 17.3 beta 2 once the boot loop bug is addressed. The company is likely to take swift action to rectify the issue and ensure a smoother experience for users eager to explore the latest advancements.

While beta releases are inherently experimental, the unexpected consequences of iOS 17.3 beta 2 highlight the challenges in balancing innovation with stability. As Apple works to resolve the boot loop issue, users are reminded of the importance of exercising caution when opting for beta updates, emphasizing the need for thorough backups and a willingness to face unforeseen challenges in the pursuit of cutting-edge technology.




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