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Lenovo's Tablet Couture: Who Wants Functionality When You Can Have Fashion?

When Tech Meets Fashion in the Most Questionable Way Possible

NEWS  News  November 3, 2023  Reading time: 2 Minute(s)

mdo Max (RS editor)

Lenovo, the tech giant that never ceases to amaze us with its cutting-edge innovation, has pushed the boundaries of absurdity with its latest fashion-forward collaboration. In a move that can only be described as "why?", Lenovo has teamed up with not one, not two, but three fashion designers to create what they're calling the "Lenovo Tab Wear Collection". Because, let's face it, what the world really needs right now is more high-fashion tablet accessories. Right?

The Lenovo Tab Wear Collection is a dazzling showcase of three designers' questionable creativity and Lenovo's unwavering commitment to turning everyday objects into fashion statements. If you've ever dreamed of strolling down the street wearing your tablet, this is the collection for you.

First up, we have London-based RANRA, who, in a shocking display of restraint, managed to create a "normal" piece of clothing. They came up with a noise and light-canceling anorak, complete with an isolation hood and a harness for your precious Lenovo tablet. Because who doesn't want to block out the world and watch Netflix on a tablet while wearing what can only be described as a wearable sensory deprivation chamber?

Then we have Hong Kong's Kit Wan Studios, who decided that the future of fashion lies in becoming a walking techno-armor exo-skeleton. Yes, you read that correctly. Their contribution to the collection is a modular cyberpunk exo-suit. It's like something straight out of a sci-fi movie, and who wouldn't want to feel like a cross between Iron Man and a LEGO minifigure while casually browsing the internet on their tablet?

And last but certainly not least, Amsterdam-based Maium brings us the pinnacle of practicality with a jacket that can inflate and turn into a hammock. Because nothing screams "fashion-forward" like whipping out a hammock from your jacket pocket when you feel the sudden urge to take a nap in the middle of the sidewalk. It's the perfect solution for those moments when you're tired of walking and just want to hang around. Quite literally.

Lenovo's grand vision for the future is a world where technology seamlessly integrates with fashion. If you're eager to learn more about these groundbreaking concepts, Lenovo has a website where you can delve into the intricate details of these innovative designs. But, honestly, if this is the future of tablet ownership, you can smash the Undo button right now! 

(Images by Lenovo)



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