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Microsoft Deep Search: Revolutionizing Search for Complex Queries

Navigating the Depths of Information with GPT-4-Powered Precision

NEWS  AI  December 5, 2023  Reading time: 2 Minute(s)

mdo Max (RS editor)

Today Microsoft introduced Deep Search, a new and optional generative AI feature designed to assist users with intricate questions lacking straightforward answers. Leveraging the robust foundation of Bing's web index and ranking system, Deep Search employs the powerful GPT-4 to unravel the myriad intents and variations underlying a query, providing an optimal set of results.

The mechanics of Deep Search involve a meticulous analysis of potential user intents and query variations, generating comprehensive descriptions for each. By amalgamating various querying techniques, this innovative feature unearths results that might not typically surface in conventional search outcomes. 

For instance, in a demonstration using the query 'how do points systems work in Japan', Deep Search demonstrated its capability to identify related terms such as loyalty card programs in Japan, best loyalty cards for travelers, and comparisons of loyalty programs by category. This nuanced approach allows Deep Search to deliver results covering diverse facets of a query, even if they do not explicitly contain the original keywords.

Deep Search's functionality is encapsulated in a GIF shared by Microsoft, illustrating its operation within the Bing platform:

However, it comes with a trade-off—Deep Search may take up to 30 seconds to complete, a potential drawback given the prevailing expectation of swift search results.

The ranking of Deep Search results hinges on several factors, with a primary emphasis on how well a page aligns with Bing's expanded description. Additional considerations include the relevance of the topic, appropriate detail levels, source credibility, freshness, and overall popularity.

Despite its promising capabilities, Deep Search is not a panacea for every search scenario. Microsoft emphasizes that it is not a replacement for Bing's existing web search but rather an enhancement providing users with the option for a more profound and enriched exploration of the web.

In terms of availability, Deep Search is currently being tested among randomly selected small groups of Bing's global users. This limited rollout ensures that Microsoft can fine-tune the feature based on real-world usage and feedback.

As AI-driven features continue to shape search engine results pages (SERPs), Deep Search emerges as a potential contender, poised to compete with and potentially divert clicks from organic listings. While its impact remains speculative until widespread testing occurs, Microsoft's commitment to offering a tool that enhances user exploration and understanding of complex topics is evident.



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