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Neuralink Expands Patient Registry to the UK

Neurotech Firm Opens Third International Patient Registry for Future Clinical Trials

NEWS  Science  June 1, 2024  Reading time: 2 Minute(s)

mdo Max (RS editor)

Neuralink, the pioneering neurotechnology company founded by Elon Musk, has announced the expansion of its patient registry to the United Kingdom. This marks the third country to join Neuralink’s international patient database, following the United States and Canada. UK citizens can now apply to see if they qualify for future Neuralink clinical investigations within the country.


Neuralink is seeking patients over the age of 18 who are affected by quadriplegia, paraplegia, vision loss, hearing loss, the inability to speak, or major limb amputation (above or below the elbow, and above or below the knee). Although Neuralink is not currently conducting any clinical trials in the UK, this registry will serve as a database for potential candidates for future studies.

Since January, Neuralink has been conducting its first clinical trial, known as PRIME (Precise Robotically Implanted Brain-Computer Interface). The study involves Noland Arbaugh, Neuralink’s inaugural patient, who suffers from quadriplegia – a condition characterized by the dysfunction or loss of motor and sensory function in the cervical area of the spinal cord, typically affecting all four limbs.


The trial includes implanting a small, cosmetically invisible device in the part of the brain that plans movements. This device is designed to interpret neural activity, allowing users to control a computer or smartphone by simply intending to move a cursor. The primary goal of the study is to assess the safety of the Link implant and Neuralink’s R1 surgical robot, as well as to evaluate the initial functionality of the brain-computer interface (BCI) in enabling people with quadriplegia to control external devices with their thoughts.


Arbaugh has expressed satisfaction with the improvements to his quality of life brought about by the brain-computer interface. Plans are already underway to insert the Link into the brain of another patient, with approval already granted by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which is overseeing the clinical trial.

For people interested it is possible to register by compiling the screener form on the dedicated Patient Registry Application page.




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