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Verizon's Exclusive Offer for First-Time Subscribers: Get a Nintendo Switch for Free

Celebrating Mario Day with Free Nintendo Switch and More with Verizon's 5G Home Internet Plus Plan

NEWS  Games  March 6, 2024  Reading time: ~1 minute)

mdo Max (RS editor)

Verizon announced an exclusive offer tailored for first-time subscribers, marking the celebration of Mario Day on March 10 in a unique and exciting manner.

To commemorate Mario Day, Verizon is extending a generous offer to those who opt for its new 5G Home Internet Plus plan. This offer includes a complimentary Nintendo Switch unit for free, adding a touch of gaming excitement to your connectivity experience. The Nintendo Switch, with its versatility and captivating gaming library, promises endless hours of entertainment for individuals and families alike.

But that's not all; Verizon is amplifying the celebration by providing an additional "on us" promotion. Subscribers of the 5G Home Internet Plus plan have the choice between a $200 Target gift card or a Samsung Galaxy Chromebook Go, enhancing the value proposition of the offer. These incentives, coupled with the free Nintendo Switch, underscore Verizon's commitment to delivering not just connectivity, but tangible benefits that enrich subscribers' lives.

To avail of these exciting offers, subscribers must activate and maintain eligible 5G Home Plus services in good standing for 65 days. Priced at $45 per month, the 5G Home Plus plan offers high-speed downloads, seamless 4K streaming, a comprehensive router and Whole-Home Wi-Fi kit, unlimited Verizon cloud storage for up to five users, and a reassuring five-year price guarantee. Moreover, Verizon goes the extra mile by covering early termination fees of up to $500 when subscribers transition from their current providers, ensuring a seamless onboarding experience.

Once subscribed to Verizon's 5G Home Plus plan, subscribers have 60 days or until August 31, 2024, to redeem the Nintendo Switch offer, unlocking the gateway to immersive gaming experiences.




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